Bob Rannigan’s Family Seminar
Here’s a flyer for member Bob Rannigan LPC’s upcoming seminar. at the Northside Library. G&P++ — Paul McKinley
SOMCville Facebook Page!
Science of Mind C’ville now has a facebook page! See Also, we have an event on the FB page for the upcoming 4 Agreements workshop, see Please be sure to share the event to all your local FB friends to help get the word out about the workshop! Let’s show Michele a warm […]
Sunday, January 6
This Sunday, January 6 is our Science of Mind meeting 10AM. Please join us.
We will be discussing an article on Hardcore Metaphysics from the January Science of Mind magazine.
Sunday Dec. 30 Movie
This Sunday, December 30, 2018, We will be showing the MOVIE:
Christmas Pot-Luck Dec. 23rd
Correction: We’ll have a brief meeting starting at 11AM, and then the pot-luck afterwards with social time. Bring a dish and a friend! Introduce someone new to Science Of Mind!
December 16th
We will have our regular meeting December 16th: same time 10AM, same place at Kathy McConnin’s home. See the footer below for the address.
December 2nd
Paul McKinley is the speaker for our next meeting Dec 2 2018 with the message “Never Say Never.” The message is an examination of the words that we use and the energy and meaning they contain from a spiritual perspective. Be careful what you pray for! And know that every thought, feeling, spoken word or […]