
At right are links to the Google Slides documents we use during  our bimonthly meetings, beginning Jan 19 when we started using Google Slides.  They include the words to the songs we use, plus the link to the meditation and message.  Sometimes we have a live speaker, in which case we may not have the video.  When we do have video of the live speaker, it will be included as a Youtube video, similar to other messages.

Below are links to the Google Slides documents we use during  our bimonthly meetings, beginning Jan 19 when we started using Google Slides.  They include the words to the songs we use, plus the link to the meditation and message.  Sometimes we have a live speaker, in which case we may not have the video.  When we do have video of the live speaker, it will be included as a Youtube video, similar to other messages.

January 06 Program and Youtube

Rev. Raymont Anderson of CSL Santa Rosa CA on “Passing the Torch.” 

January 03 Program and Youtube

Jean Bell RScP of Spiritual Living Center Atlanta on “Making Magic” – Science of Mind spiritual principles.

December 06 Program and Youtube

Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative speaking at Google, addressing the Black Google Network on Feb 25, 2016

December 13 Program and Youtube

Part 1 of Rev. Michelle Medrano of MileHi CSL with part 1 of a 2 part series: “Accessing the Light.”

December 20 Program and Youtube

Part 1 of Rev. Michelle Medrano of MileHi CSL with part 2 of a 2 part series: “Spreading the Light.”

December 27 Program and Youtube

Rev. Robin Moore speaks on “The Gift of 2020”

November 01 Program and Youtube

Rev. Kimberly Hawkins of Rogue Valley OR: “Spiritual Rain.”

November 08 Program and Youtube

Rev. Masando Hiraoka “Inextricably Connected”

November 15 Program and Youtube

Roger Teal: “The CPR of Joy”

November 22 Program and Youtube

Speaker: Subject”

November 29 Program and Youtube

Rev. Faith Woods: “How Are You Thinking Today?”

October 04 Program and Youtube

Michele Medrano: “Amplified Accountability”

October 11 Program and Youtube

Rabbi Ted Falcon: “Burdened with Belief”

October 18 Program and Youtube

Dr. Kenn Gordon: “The World Is Getting Smaller”

October 25 Program and Youtube

Dr. Kenn Gordon: “The Principle Always Works!”

September 06: Program and (no Youtube)

Dr. Shariff Abdulla “Spiritual Discipline in Turbulent Times.”

September 13 Program and Youtube

Rev. Bonnie Smith: “Faith of God”

September 20 Program and Youtube

Dr. Michael Rogan: “Mindfulness”

September 27 Program and Youtube

Rev. John Waterhouse: “Praying Peace”

August 02: Program and Youtube

Brenee Brown Shame & Empathy, and The Power of Vulnerability & Belonging

August 09 : Program and (no Youtube)

Rev. Darlene Strickland: “Meeting the Moment.”

August 16:  Program and Youtube

Rev. Robin Moore: “Wisdom, Harmony, Love”

August 23: Program and Youtube

Organizational Meeting: CSL, AS-U, or independent?

August 30:  Program and Youtube

Rev. Faith Woods: “Better Together”

Month Day: Program and (no Youtube)

Speaker “Topic.”

July 26 2020 Program and Youtube

Edward Viljoen: “What is Prayer”

July 19 2020 Program and Youtube

Bob Michel: “Spiritual Economics”

July 12 2020 Program

Dr. Kathianne Lewis: “Freedom from Restrictions”

Rev Michael Bogar: “The Four Faces of the One”

July 5 2020 Program

Rev. Roger Teel: The Spark That Never Goes Out.”