*The peace and the power of the Divine Presence is with me today. Therefore, I walk calmly, knowing I am enveloped in the Divine Presence.— Ernest Holmes, “365 Science of Mind”*
*Daily Guide: Celebrate the Equinox WithinBy Mary Davis*
Mother Nature’s change of seasons offers the perfect opportunity to reflect on the change of seasons within us. Today, we welcome a new season and an equinox, a twice-a-year event when the sun is directly over the equator, and the hours of daylight equal the hours of darkness.
This is an auspicious time to revisit spiritual goals and release what no longer serves us. Taking stock is a way of spiritual streamlining. Some helpful questions to consider might be: What worries occupy my heart? How can I release them? What can I do to bring more peace and joy to my days?
If we answer these questions honestly, we can release some habits that get in the way of our peace of mind and step up a few of the practices that contribute to our sweet connection with our higher selves and our Divine Source.
The equinox also invites us to take a look at balance. It’s easy to get thrown off-kilter and lose our center of gravity when we have too much work and too little play, too much stress and too little calm, too many screens and too little nature, too much noise and too little silence. If this sounds familiar, make a plan to cut back and revive some grounding spiritual practices: walk in nature, meditate, practice gratitude. You will know exactly what you need and how to return to the spiritual equinox within.
May we open to a new season of balance and inner peace.
*Affirmation: I release the past season of my life and open my heart to new beginnings. I take steps to restore equilibrium tomy life.* BLESSING FOR YOUR WEEK …. Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville