[SOM Cville] Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville ZOOM MEETING 10/23/22

Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
It was wonderful seeing all of you Sunday, at our first in person meeting at our new location, Senior Center at Belvedere. It is an amazing space for us, we will be meeting there again November 06. Come check it out.
Our Sunday Zoom meeting is this Sunday October 23 2022 at our regular time. 10AM or 9:30 to connect with friends. The October theme from headquarters is Finances. Our Message will be from Rev Kathianne Lewis from CSL in Seattle “BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR BELIEFS & HABITS” Rev Kathianne is speaking on making the attributes of Spirit real in us as us. What happens if changing your thinking doesn’t change your life. Join us for this Interesting and informational message.
“This thing Called You” pg 125 “Turning from every objective fact to the divine within you is turning from condition to causes, to that realm of absolute being that, through self-knowingness, creates the form it projects and enters into the experience it creates. Thus, the Spirit comes to self-fullment in everything. Everything is alive with God, saturated with divinity. You must learn to become consciously aware of the divine presence and the divine power, the wholeness of truth, of love, of reason and of a sound mind. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, cause your mind to dwell on peace and joy. Know that the power of the invisible Spirit is working in and through you now, at this very moment.”
ZOOM LINK: go to our website cslcville.org, HOME on top of page,LOCATION, and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link. cslcville.org/location
Please note that Meetup changes the links to add tracking, so this link may not work later if you received a copy via Meetup. It’s best to just go to our website, then the location page – that bypasses any tracking Meetup may try to do – and it’s easier to remember and find.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 0420 7221
Passcode: somcville
One tap mobile
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Or by phone
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 896 0420 7221
Passcode: 642812
Find your local number: <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd0ZFOHTlWYIiBaetbwNlnDvyQaL0p4YvCtevZ1j-2B5nfHaGlY_vnlnkas8Xf0qb3ZYVB8JoQ7bexKT2kdZSvLnIhX4YBet0s3XrY7jWjN8U955j8XvP2hQwJxFW4FHfFpRckpDN98ueaokz0s…> us02web.zoom.us/u/kboLGwEYfP

Call Kathy if you have any questions:
252 312 7322
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday on Zoom.
Open to all. We learn and grow from each other.
Blessings & Love
Kathy McConnin RScP
252 312 7322