Dear Super Light Spraders,
This Sunday, August 07 2022 your Center will be having our weekly Zoom meeting. Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connect Message: “WHAT IS MINE TO DO” REV DR PETRA WELDES CSL Dallas
Rev Petra asks the question; Am I my brother’s keeper? She explores the Me and We Consciousness and explains how we strive to live in the AND. Join us as we dive into our Intent and impact and our responsibility..
Ernest Holmes from Science of Mind, pg 433 “The law of cause and effect is immutable, and every man’s action produces an effect in his life, which he must ultimately experience, unless he transcends the law already set in motion. Such a concept supposes that we are surrounded by a Universal Law, which is entirely impartial, and which returns to the thinker the logical effect of his actions. Man, being a free agent in this law-whether consciously or in ignorance-is continually setting it in motion to some definite end. Therefore it is true, unalterably true, that he must reap as he has sown!
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This Sunday, August 07 2022 your Center will be having our weekly Zoom meeting. Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connect Message: “WHAT IS MINE TO DO” REV DR PETRA WELDES CSL Dallas
Rev Petra asks the question; Am I my brother’s keeper? She explores the Me and We Consciousness and explains how we strive to live in the AND. Join us as we dive into our Intent and impact and our responsibility..
Ernest Holmes from Science of Mind, pg 433 “The law of cause and effect is immutable, and every man’s action produces an effect in his life, which he must ultimately experience, unless he transcends the law already set in motion. Such a concept supposes that we are surrounded by a Universal Law, which is entirely impartial, and which returns to the thinker the logical effect of his actions. Man, being a free agent in this law-whether consciously or in ignorance-is continually setting it in motion to some definite end. Therefore it is true, unalterably true, that he must reap as he has sown!
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