Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
Your Center will be having our weekly Sunday Zoom meeting this Sunday, Date: February 13 2022 Time: 10AM, or 9:30 AM Message: “How To Use It” The last in our Basic Science of Mind Series. CSL Asheville, Dr Rev John Waaterhouse
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* <…> Call Kathy if you have any questions: 252 312 7322
Ernest Holmes “I am a center in the Divine Mind, a point og God-conscious life, truth and action. My affairs are divinely guided and guarded into right action, into correct results. Everything I do, say, or think, is stimulated by the Truth. There is power in this word that I speak, because it is of the Truth and it is the Truth. There is perfect and continuous right action in my life and my affairs. All belief in wrong action is dispelled and made negative. Right action alone has power and right action is Power, and Power is God….the Living Spirit Almighty”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday on Zoom. Open to all. We learn and grow from each other. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322
Your Center will be having our weekly Sunday Zoom meeting this Sunday, Date: February 13 2022 Time: 10AM, or 9:30 AM Message: “How To Use It” The last in our Basic Science of Mind Series. CSL Asheville, Dr Rev John Waaterhouse
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* <…> Call Kathy if you have any questions: 252 312 7322
Ernest Holmes “I am a center in the Divine Mind, a point og God-conscious life, truth and action. My affairs are divinely guided and guarded into right action, into correct results. Everything I do, say, or think, is stimulated by the Truth. There is power in this word that I speak, because it is of the Truth and it is the Truth. There is perfect and continuous right action in my life and my affairs. All belief in wrong action is dispelled and made negative. Right action alone has power and right action is Power, and Power is God….the Living Spirit Almighty”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday on Zoom. Open to all. We learn and grow from each other. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322