Greetings Super Light Spreaders,
Your Center will be having our weekly meeting Sunday, Date: Feb 06 2022. Time: 10AM, or 9:30AM to connect Message: The third session in the Basic Science of Mind. “What it Does” Dr Rev John Waterhouse CSL Asheville
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* <…> Call Kathy if you have any questions: 252 312 7322
From Ernest Holmes, “The Science of Mind” pg 50
“When we think, something happens to thought. The field through which thought operates is Infinite. There is no reason to doubt it. No matter how it is approached , to thoughts there can be no limit, so we will say that it is the nature of Being to react in this way. Here and now, we are surrounded by, and immersed in, an Infinite Good. How much of this Infinite Good is ours? ALL OF IT ! And how much of It may we have to use? AS MUCH OF IT AS WE CAN EMBODY.”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday on Zoom. Open to all. We learn and grow from each other. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322
Your Center will be having our weekly meeting Sunday, Date: Feb 06 2022. Time: 10AM, or 9:30AM to connect Message: The third session in the Basic Science of Mind. “What it Does” Dr Rev John Waterhouse CSL Asheville
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* <…> Call Kathy if you have any questions: 252 312 7322
From Ernest Holmes, “The Science of Mind” pg 50
“When we think, something happens to thought. The field through which thought operates is Infinite. There is no reason to doubt it. No matter how it is approached , to thoughts there can be no limit, so we will say that it is the nature of Being to react in this way. Here and now, we are surrounded by, and immersed in, an Infinite Good. How much of this Infinite Good is ours? ALL OF IT ! And how much of It may we have to use? AS MUCH OF IT AS WE CAN EMBODY.”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday on Zoom. Open to all. We learn and grow from each other. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322