Greetings Super Light Spreaders,
This Sunday your Center will be having our weekly zoom meeting. Date: Sunday, Jan 23 2022 Time: 10AM, or 9:30 AM, we usually go till around 11:30 AM Message: The second in our series Back to Basics, Science of Mind. “The Way It Works” Rev John Waterhouse
We strengthen our foundation of Science of Mind Principles, remembering we are in charge of our conscious mind.
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* Call Kathy if you have any questions: *252 312 7322*
Ernest Holmes quotes: “Ignorance of the Law excuses no one from its effects. If then, certain specific ways of thought and belief have produced limitations, other beliefs will change them.”
“There is no mental coercion in knowing good. We do not will things to be done. Things are brought into being, not by will, but by the power of the self-assertive Truth.”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday. We are open to everyone, spread your light, bring a friend. Knowing you are staying warm and enjoying this beautiful snow. Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322
This Sunday your Center will be having our weekly zoom meeting. Date: Sunday, Jan 23 2022 Time: 10AM, or 9:30 AM, we usually go till around 11:30 AM Message: The second in our series Back to Basics, Science of Mind. “The Way It Works” Rev John Waterhouse
We strengthen our foundation of Science of Mind Principles, remembering we are in charge of our conscious mind.
*ZOOM LINK: go to our website, HOME on top of page, LOCATION , and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link.* Call Kathy if you have any questions: *252 312 7322*
Ernest Holmes quotes: “Ignorance of the Law excuses no one from its effects. If then, certain specific ways of thought and belief have produced limitations, other beliefs will change them.”
“There is no mental coercion in knowing good. We do not will things to be done. Things are brought into being, not by will, but by the power of the self-assertive Truth.”
Looking forward to connecting with you Sunday. We are open to everyone, spread your light, bring a friend. Knowing you are staying warm and enjoying this beautiful snow. Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin RScP 252 312 7322