[SOM Cville] Dates of SOM meetings

Greetings God Spirits,
A recap of Sunday’s meeting. Three new members joined us and all contributed to a meaningful discussion and message. There was a discussion about the exact date that we will be meeting so wanted to make it simple for everyone. We will meet the FIRST and THIRD SUNDAYS of each month. When we have a fifth Sunday we will be planning something different to be announced. Our location is 1024 Carrington Place 2 fl Charlottesville, off Rio Rd East. Please visit our web site: somcville.org with all our information.
Kenn Gordon writes in SOM Magazine “One with Universe”
We are one with the Universe; we just don’t experience it often, if ever. The reason? We are blessed with two extraordinary gifts; memory and expectation. The memory of the past and the projected expectation of the future provide us with our identity. Remove them, and you would be, tabula rasa, or blank state, and in this state we are on with the Universe.
This is why Science of Mind teaches that all of the power in the Universe exists in the present moment. Experience of the past structure expectations of the future, and expectations of the future become the form of experience. For most of us, this duality of consciousness acts as the foundation for the concept of self-identity.
Dr Holmes alludes to this when he writes, “We are bound because we are first free”. We are free to believe our own experiences, make up our own minds, pursue our own desires and expectations, and experience our own beliefs-good, bad, or indifferent. This is a good thing. The problem occurs when we begin experiencing conditions the are neither enjoyable nor connected and then have the temerity not to take personal responsibility for the outcome. Without a recollection of the past and and an expectation of the future, we exist totally in the present moment, where all of the power of the Universe resides. In this state of consciousness, wholeness exists in its perfection, without judgement, opinion, prejudice, bias, good, bad, right to wrong. This is the grounding place of spiritual mind treatment and the foundation of all effective prayer.
Faith is the ability to raise consciousness to a place beyond past experience and conditions to an awareness of being one with the All, to move beyond the chains of the past to the infinite potentiality of the Universe Itself. Is it what Holmes intends that we understand when he declares, “The power that appears to bind us is the only power in the Universe that can free us”.
Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin