Dear Super Light Spreaders,
Yesterday, Jan 21, was the Birthday of our founder Ernest Holmes. Just sending some of his quotes to think about.. He has shared so much that has impacted our lives. We are so very grateful. for all his teachings. Blessings, Kathy McConnin CSL CVILLE
“To learn how to think is to learn how to live…”
“… trained thought is far more powerful than untrained,….”
“… the very air is vibrant with power.”
“The answer to prayer is in the prayer. But what is a prayer? A prayer is a movement of thought, within the mind of the one praying, along a definite line of meditation; that is, for a specific purpose.”
“We do not will things to be done; things are brought into being, not by will, but by the power of the self-assertive Truth.”
“It has been said that we can know God only in so far as we can become God.” (See my podcast episode titled What It Does for my take on this quote. You can find my Fearlessly Feral Living podcast wherever you listen to podcasts)
“One of the great difficulties in the new order of thought is that we are likely to indulge in too much theory and too little practice.” (This one quote is why, if you work with me, I tend to nag a bit about spiritual practice.)
“ We should learn to control our thought processes…”
“ A new light is coming into the world. We are on the borderland of a new experience.”
Happy Birthday Ernest Holmes! I am so grateful for your contribution to the world, and to my life.