Might want to send this out !!Carolyn
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From: Roger Teel <roger@rogerteel.com> Date: January 22, 2023 at 3:43:26 PM EST To: Carolyn <carolynbelt2@hotmail.com> Subject: A Great Opportunity Nears! Reply-To: Roger Teel <roger@rogerteel.com>
It Begins Tomorrow: 12 Conditions of a Miracle! | | | | View this email in your browser |
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| | | | Greetings Carolyn,
TOMORROW … Monday, January 23rd, I will launch the most powerful short webinar I’ve ever created: 12 Conditions of a Miracle! Becoming Miracle-Minded for Bold Leaps Forward–Now! I recall visiting King Tut’s tomb when I led a group on a pilgrimage to Egypt in 2020. This was one of the greatest archeological finds of all time. One of the lesser-noticed items in that tomb was an urn containing wheat seeds that were placed there when King Tutankhamen was buried over 3400 years ago.
The amazing thing is that when those seeds wereplanted, they sprouted beautifully. The potential was still within the seeds, still ready for expression!
KNOW THIS: There is unrealized potential ALWAYS available to be expressed in our lives … but we have to supply the proper environment–the right conditions–if that potential is to burst forth!
THE ESSENCE OF MIRACLES … is unburying and unleashing the “Good of God” already woven into the fabric of our being! That’s what this webinar will assist us in accomplishing. We will embrace 12 essential keys for reaping the greater harvest of our indwelling potential!
The Source of the 12 Conditions:I will lead you through deciphering the 12 Conditions that are encoded within one of the greatest miracles of all time. They will no longer be hidden from you. They will be readily useable, not only right now, but throughout the rest of your magnificent life!
And remember thatTHE SESSIONS ARE RECORDED for watching when convenient if you can’t attend the live events.
Please join me for this four-part adventure: 12 Conditions of a Miracle! Becoming Miracle-Minded for Bold Leaps Forward–Now! Four Mondays beginning January 23rd 75-minute live Zoom Sessions 5pm Mountain Time Investment: $89 Practical action steps will be shared to implement each of the 12 Conditions!
IMPORTANT: Capacity islimited, and this webinar is nearly full. So, register now to claim your spot! CLICK ON THIS LINK TO ENROLL:
I hope you’ll join me for this adventure. You may just have a life-altering shift into Life’s greater glories! With Love and Enthusiasm, Dr. Roger
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