Greeting God Spirits, This message is from Center for Spiritual Living Headquarters, on the coronavirus. Wanted to share this with you. Knowing all is well and in Divine Order.Blessings,Kathy —– Forwarded Message —– From: CSL Home Office <>To: Kathleen McConnin <>Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020, 11:14:59 PM ESTSubject: STATEMENT ON COVID-19, (Coronavirus)
A person said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.”
-Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517
“I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways – by thinking, speaking, and acting. I am unmoved by appearances; therefore, appearances move.”
-Florence Scovel Shinn
…health starts with the knowledge, backed by conviction and belief, that there is One Life, that Life is perfect, and that Life is our life right now. In It is the complete and whole pattern of perfection. We accept without reservation that It is the spiritual reality of our being. It is the only source, the only cause of every perfect action and function in our body. It alone heals and makes whole. Regardless of what the condition may be, It knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.
-Ernest Holmes
When gathering information about the coronavirus, named Covid-19, it is essential to use reliable sources and to be on the alert for incomplete or sensational news. In some countries, the number of reported cases appears to be on the rise, and deaths have occurred. However, there continues to be reason to believe that we can respond proactively and affirmatively by first paying attention to the power of our consciousness, and second, by taking actions recommended by health officials, which, it turns out, are also effective against other flu strains and infections. (See the list of resources below.)
As important as it is to be well-informed and in touch with reliable external sources of information, it is equally important to turn attention inward to the Source of our being and to let that inner connection guide us through whatever fear or concern is clamoring for our attention.
At the heart of our teaching, The Science of Mind, is the concept of Oneness. This Oneness out-pictures as our wholeness and interconnectedness. With this in mind, there is no source of information outside us that may influence us without our agreement. Everything in the world can then be seen as arising from our shared reality, not as something to be conquered, but to be transcended and transformed through our understanding and love. While we tend to our responsibilities in the world by washing our hands and tying up our camels, surely, we must also mindfully strengthen our awareness of Oneness and trust it to inspire in us the appropriate actions that match our spiritual Wholeness.
We may well need to keep abreast of national, regional, and local developments concerning Covid-19. And equally important, we can take this opportunity to confidently embrace our teaching of Oneness. Acknowledging that fear of the virus is part of our shared experience, we are called to respond with both compassion and spiritual conviction, and to move forward together with deep recognition of Oneness and Wholeness.
Blessings to All,
Rev. Edward Viljoen, DD (Hon.) Spiritual Leader Centers for Spiritual Living
Spiritual Suggestions
– Request Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment) – Build your Spiritual Mind Treatment online. – Listen to recorded Spiritual Mind Treatment – Contact World Ministry of Prayer – Sit quietly daily and contemplate the Divine Wholeness as you understand It – Take time in nature to be still
Practical suggestions from The World Health Organization include:
– Washing your hands for 20 seconds and using alcohol-based hand sanitizer – When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue immediately into a closed bin – Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Practical Suggestions for public spaces
– Temporarily suspend unnecessary physical contact (hugging, holding hands during service, and handshaking.) – Regularly sanitize public surfaces (doorknobs, lecterns, keyboards) – Provide soap and paper towels in restrooms, and containers of hand sanitizer (with at least 60-90% alcohol.) – Encourage people who are not feeling well to remain at home – Train staff and volunteers as needed
Additional Resources
The following links are national or global in scope. You may also have local resources, including your health department, local hospitals, etc. where you can obtain additional information.
World Health Organization (WHO) – COVID-19 website US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – What You Should Know Canada Public Health Service – Coronavirus infection: Prevention and risks
A Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer) by Dr. Petra Weldes
There is a Power and Presence, which is the Life behind all Creation. It is the Divine Pattern of Wholeness which emanates through all creation. Every tree, flower, cell, and atom is Love made manifest, uniquely and joyously being Life. Divine Intelligence guides, guards, and directs every aspect of creation, manifesting Wholeness as each being is already wholly itself.
Divine Intelligence and Love is my life and the life of every person, for in Oneness, there is no separation. The same Life, the same Wholeness, is my life and is all life, right now. And as I know this, accept this as the spiritual and infinite Truth of my being, I know this is the truth of every being. I know that each of us is Divinely guided to the right and perfect action and spiritual conviction, which results in perfect health. I do not allow fear to be my truth, nor do I let my fear for others rule my expectation of Wholeness. I accept only that which is healthy and good for myself and others. I know every person treating this virus, every system, every medicine, every affirmation, and every prayer that is used to heal, is guided by the same Divine Intelligence. It works through all health workers, all procedures, and all medicines to bring about a swift end to the spread of this virus. Each person is guided to the proper physical care and spiritual conviction to stay healthy and rise above the conditions.
I stand firm in the belief that only Spirit is causal and am grateful to speak the word of Wholeness and Oneness. I trust in the Infinite Divine Intelligence and the Universal Law to make the way possible as Love leads each of us into ways of health and wholeness. In this deep gratitude, I release my fear, and stand in perfect faith, knowing each action I and others take, is for the health and wholeness of all sentient beings.
And So it is.
“We should read, study, think and meditate upon those statements which tend to calm, to give poise and confidence, and erase all thought of fear and tension. The subjective law can only operate upon that which is given it, so we must be very careful of our patterns of thought…We should think of ourselves as being surrounded by perfect life and poised in eternal calm. We are in a sea of untroubled waters of life, from which we may freely drink. We must do the drinking. No one else can do this for us. We should hold out the cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires. This chalice of the heart is held up that the heavenly flow may fill it with God’s abundant life.”
-Ernest Holmes
Centers for Spiritual Living 573 Park Point Drive | Golden, Colorado, 80401 Phone: 720-496-1370 | Fax: 303-526-0913
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