———- Forwarded message ——— From: Center for Spiritual Living Delaware <revdrkathleen@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 7:01 AM Subject: Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day – October 11, 2021 To: <scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com>
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day – October 11, 2021 [image: Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day Flyer.png]
Greetings Kathy,
Today is Indigenous Peoples Day!
Each Social Justice Initiative Ministry meeting begins with paying homage to the Indigenous People of Delaware. We share this with you today in recognition and celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day.
Acknowledgment of Indigenous First Nations
Inhabitants of the Land
“Every community owes its existence and vitality to generations from around the world who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy to making the history that led to this moment. Some were brought here against their will, some were drawn to leave their distant homes in hope of a better life, and some have lived on this land for more generations than can be counted. Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across all barriers of heritage and difference. We begin this effort to acknowledge what has been buried by honoring the truth. We reside on the ancestral lands of the Indigenous People of Delaware. We pay respect to their elders, past and present. We take a moment to consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement they suffered.” We also honor all people who came after them whose lives, histories, cultures, traditions and contributions have been misrepresented or totally discounted. We come together knowing who we ALL are in Truth, and we move forward…doing our part to co-create a World that Works for ALL!!! And So It Is!!!
Are you familiar with smudging?
Smudging typically involves wafting sacred smoke of different dried herbs around individuals, homes, and belongings. People around the world use smudging prayers for many spiritual reasons, such as gaining protection or blessings.
Bless yourself today with the words of the beautiful Smudging Prayer below, and then learn more about Traditional Indigenous Smudging in the brief video that follows. [image: A Smudging Prayer.jpg]
A video on Traditional Indigenous Smudging <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb17ZEpgGL-3ucsyOlKobgmV1XFeLmqCpI1ln6KJdUpl4LBeAawi44EaQFgIZjnG6TWpV6wyZQfDiX0grFHXmyuQY2rg785PDTnh_d50itQNcywx9CYMGPCAKes…>
Peace and Blessings,
From the Members of the Social Justice Initiative Ministry
The Center for Spiritual Living Delaware
www.facebook.com/CSLdelaware <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb17lSJqTgDB0drHGDlJk7BKCnTLdKb6hC0DppuswWROvQDiwUmOla2FxhGdHlZW_x2cNyim4hKiztMIboTkrhCwggxcHgsdSbXVAuTZoScLrU&c=0zmYdvKokj…>
www.centerforspirituallivingde.com <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb1xbS0OWUjYs7NW0KDkrg46rc9vgjLahO8VoT8pVGWUfqOMWalR3D8U4Z0LIO3WPcCJWtcFhBoeitQwRs15_rg_GxLbbyeckDNkDfT68qDxEYtgH5As9rfRg=&…>
302-635-7316 Center for Spiritual Living Delaware Located at the Center for Creative Arts | 410 Upper Snuff Mill Row & Rt 82, Hockessin, DE 19707 Unsubscribe scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com <visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=0019AFEWOEnl0QCWYHdvwjbnQ%3D&ch=4ab3d7b2-278a-11ec-9b8c-fa163ee12f58&ca=76428b2b-b6a9-48a0-beeb-48f2735dc237> Update Profile <visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=oo&m=0019AFEWOEnl0QCWYHdvwjbnQ%3D&ch=4ab3d7b2-278a-11ec-9b8c-fa163ee12f58&ca=76428b2b-b6a9-48a0-beeb-48f2735dc237> | Constant Contact Data Notice <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb16Wo1ajBxjeBWz1bmUyJ6BBquBytuAQeP56uUv0Ee1ewR7sjBTXmhrFSAwF38u5fpRWgS9RvWxUImqHgyA9w4eNLIVpswIafXk6Ogkj8LMY0OB1rSe3xgxIAG…> Sent by revdrkathleen@gmail.com powered by [image: Trusted Email from Constant Contact – Try it FREE today.] <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb16Ca8mem0iNMAxaTo_otZxUQi7-TmIOsF6E-UqCYiWzagSJh6prERNvEm-64KtMtl8ARacwduf5QxAaVXHuh5dvwFr4p5WxSmNNDKKnE8rtD8Kr1L63W2PxH6…> Try email marketing for free today! <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BHWrA1yMJCLth3CcKL7CWBZlQhznyjZvtHujcUh3HQiq-s6g18hb16Ca8mem0iNMAxaTo_otZxUQi7-TmIOsF6E-UqCYiWzagSJh6prERNvEm-64KtMtl8ARacwduf5QxAaVXHuh5dvwFr4p5WxSmNNDKKnE8rtD8Kr1L63W2PxH6…>