[SOM Cville] Fwd: Cville Quakers to Hold Prayer for Peace Fri at 7 pm

———- Forwarded message ——— From: Jane McDonald <visionsong9@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 6:44 PM Subject: Cville Quakers to Hold Prayer for Peace Fri at 7 pm To: Kathy McConnin <ScienceofMindCharlottesville@gmail.com>

Kathy, Please Share with our community:
From the earliest days of Quakerism, members of the Religious Society of Friends have connected with the divine spark in others and nurtured it, and have sought to avoid the violence of war, which engenders destruction, alienation, and the loss of countless lives. In our imperfect society, it is critical that we remain true to the foundations of our faith by seeking the good in ourselves and others, and working to make the world a just and peaceful place for everyone. War is not the answer. We are deeply saddened by the ongoing war in Israel/Palestine and mourn the devastation that is impacting everyone regardless of faith or ethnicity. In decades past some individuals, such as M. K. Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela, have been able to articulate compelling moral and ethical visions that advanced peaceful solutions in conflict-ridden societies. We pray that such leadership may bring about a peaceful resolution of the current conflict. Until this occurs, we will continue to speak truth to power, as we do our part to obtain a permanent ceasefire and adequate humanitarian aid for all. In this spirit, and with a concern for the devastation in Gaza, we invite our neighbors publicly to share an hour in prayerful silence and vocal ministry at 7:00 PM Fridays, June 21, at the Friends Meetinghouse, 1104 Forest Street, Charlottesville .