———- Forwarded message ——— From: Kathy McConnin <scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 3:12 PM Subject: Easter Sunday Zoom Service To: Paul McKinley <paulcmckinley@gmail.com>
Greeting God Spirits,
Knowing this is finding everyone Healthy, Safe and at Peace.
For this Easter Sunday, I am suggesting everyone to tap into Center for Spiritual Living Seattle . Just google this and you will see how to join their SUNDAY LIVE STREAM. Their hour long Easter Sunday services offers a chance to connect, grow and ignite your Spirit. This is a really upbeat Center.
They have two services, 9 AM & 11 AM on Vimeo Livestream and Facebook Live. They have the link right on their Sunday Services page. You just have to click onto the link. They are also offering a Easter Ritual Meditation at 5:30 PM if you are interested. I know you will enjoy Rev Kathianne Lewis DD. She is a wonderful speaker.
Below is a Spiritual Mind Treatment from Sandy Minnesang, a Practitioner from Arlington. Va.
“No matter what is swirling around me in the world of appearances, I know the spiritual Truth: God is everywhere at all times and in all situations. I always have a choice as to what I think and do. I choose to focus on the good that is always available. I choose to think thoughts of love and strength and livingness. I know that when I fill my consciousness with Love, fear departs. I know that when I am filled with gratitude, there is no lack. I know that when I give of my self, my time, my talents, my treasure, I attract only that which is Good and True. I know that when I nurture myself and others, Our health and wholeness are reaffirmed. I know that I am never alone; Spirit is always with me, in me, expressing as me. I see God in Action all around me As we work and give together to keep one another safe, I know that appearances fade away; Only Cause, consciousness, Spiritual Truth are permanent and ever-lasting. I am forever grateful for knowing and being able to live in this Truth. And so I release my Word into the Law where it is already so, and so it is.
I realize the Holidays are different, but still good. Enjoy them, even if it is on a zoom call and not in person. If anyone needs support or treatments I am here. All is well, All is God. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322 Blessings,