———- Forwarded message ——— From: Kathy McConnin <scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 4:02 PM Subject: Fwd: Free Webinar from Dr. Roger Teel: OWNING YOUR DREAMS! To: <announce@somcville.org>, <mm@bbtw.org>, Benita Allen < benitamallen@gmail.com>
———- Forwarded message ——— From: Kathy McConnin <scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 1:18 PM Subject: Fwd: Free Webinar from Dr. Roger Teel: OWNING YOUR DREAMS! To: Paul Ann Mckinley <paulcMckinley@gmail.com>
Can you make a slide of this for Sunday ?
———- Forwarded message ——— From: Kathy McConn <sunsetalertk@yahoo.com> Date: Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 1:15 PM Subject: Fwd: Free Webinar from Dr. Roger Teel: OWNING YOUR DREAMS! To: Kathy McConnin <scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com>
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Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Roger Teel <roger@rogerteel.com> *Date:* August 14, 2021 at 12:13:33 PM EDT *To:* <sunsetalertk@yahoo.com> *Subject:* *Free Webinar from Dr. Roger Teel: OWNING YOUR DREAMS!* *Reply-To:* Roger Teel <roger@rogerteel.com>
Your dreams are waiting for YOU to come true! View this email in your browser <mailchi.mp/c01b13aa5618/update-from-roger-teel-10886258?e=00cb34baaf> Heartfelt Greetings!
I have a gift for you…a complimentary webinar that can support you in really going for the dreams you cherish: *Owning Your Dreams* *Your dreams are waiting for YOU to come true!* I’ve decided to share this hour-long webinar because I’m concerned that more and more people are giving up on the dreams nestled in their hearts…that their dreams are getting relegated to the “back burner.”
*And our dreams are vitally important! *This world needs people who are exploring what’s possible for them, whose dreams are activated…people who realize that it’s time to re-enchant their life purpose and to go for it.
This webinar is a way that I can say to you: *You still matter. Your dreams are an extension of your soul, the sacred and unique spirit within you. We all need your Light to shine. Don’t let challenging times dampen your creativity and enthusiasm. I believe in you 100%!! *
Please join me for this hour of upliftment. *It will be recorded for you if the live event time isn’t workable, or if you want to listen to it again*. The recording will be available for 7 days.
*OWNING YOUR DREAMS * *Your Dreams are waiting for YOU to come true!*
*60-minute Live Zoom Session with Dr. Roger Teel Sunday, August 22nd 5:00PM Mountain Time* (4PM Pacific; 6PM Central; 7PM Eastern)
*CLICK ON THIS LINK TO REGISTER FOR THIS FREE WEBINAR:* *https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KjO45EjSRMKMgaB7Bqwbfg <us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KjO45EjSRMKMgaB7Bqwbfg>*
And share this link with family or friends who can benefit as well! Remember, this will be recorded if you cannot join me for the live session. Following the webinar, all participants will be sent a link to the recording.
I’m so very excited to support us all in living ever more expansive and visionary lives!
See you on August 22nd!
Love and Many Blessings, Dr. Roger Teel
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*Our mailing address is:* Lakewood, Colorado
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