[SOM Cville] Fwd: Zoom meeting: New Link!

Hi, all,
Sorry for the short notice!  Zoom has changed things to try to overcome “zoom bombing.”  One thing they’ve changed is setting meetings to use a password.  So, the link you have won’t work… without the password, which is 531309
Alternatively you can use the following link which has the password imbedded: zoom.us/j/339413162?pwd=L0Fkc0FydUFydHZsa1dyRXRDVmloZz09
You can also use the phone number to dial in and listen, without the video: +19294362866,,339413162# password 531309
Also, please note: since we can’t pass the basket in a virtual meeting, I set up a Paypal donation page on our website: somcville.org/donate. The page is also in the menu on the website, so it’ll be easy to find.