[SOM Cville] Happy Holidays

Dear God Spirits,
Knowing everyone is having healthy and happy holidays..
A segment from Science of Mind Magazine on CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED
Ernest Holmes (our founder) tells us this is a wonderful time of year. For us, it isn’t about the birth of a Savior; we don’t need to be saved. We honor the eternal birth of Spirit as the light of the world. It is about remembrance, not lavish gifts. It is about the kind thought, the gentle act; it is giving our humanity to humanity. In Jesus we celebrate the symbolic birth of God in man, the incarnation of the living Spirit in you and me. Jesus was born in a stable. The lesson here is that we can find God anywhere. Our background is of no importance; it is what we do with it that matters.
Christ in man means the idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man as he must be held in the Mind of God, Christ within each and all.
Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin