Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
Wanted to share this from Science of Mind Magazine today.
“Today, the United States of America celebrates its Independence Day. It is a day to celebrate and honor the principles the U.S. holds dear. At the top of the list of those principles is the idea of being a nation of citizens who are free. No matter what nation we live in, it is fascinating to watch individual definitions and debates about freedom and how humans talk themselves out of freedom. Most often is it because we don’t like the choices we are presented with, because freedom and choices also come with consequences. There is a big difference between not being free to do something and not choosing the consequences that accompany the choice. There are laws, boundaries, conditions that result from every choice made. It certainly can be difficult to accept the consequences that result from a choice freely taken. Yet continuing to claim our freedom, even in the midst of that difficulty, is vital. We are always free to choose, free in how we respond, free to be creative, free to transcend bondage. The first step to reclaiming this freedom is to affirm this to ourselves and imagine ourselves making choices that continue to free us, bless us and, for me, bless all those involved. The act of freely choosing and doing all we can to respect others in the process is a high calling and is often more possible than I give myself or others credit for. It is the ultimate of soul satisfaction.
Ernest Holmes: “We automatically claim our freedom when we are convinced that we can use no mind except the creative Mind of God, and we seek to create no limitation for ourselves.”
Enjoy your celebration, and let’s be grateful and mindful of all the sacrifices so many souls and families gave up for our freedom.
Blessings, Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville
Wanted to share this from Science of Mind Magazine today.
“Today, the United States of America celebrates its Independence Day. It is a day to celebrate and honor the principles the U.S. holds dear. At the top of the list of those principles is the idea of being a nation of citizens who are free. No matter what nation we live in, it is fascinating to watch individual definitions and debates about freedom and how humans talk themselves out of freedom. Most often is it because we don’t like the choices we are presented with, because freedom and choices also come with consequences. There is a big difference between not being free to do something and not choosing the consequences that accompany the choice. There are laws, boundaries, conditions that result from every choice made. It certainly can be difficult to accept the consequences that result from a choice freely taken. Yet continuing to claim our freedom, even in the midst of that difficulty, is vital. We are always free to choose, free in how we respond, free to be creative, free to transcend bondage. The first step to reclaiming this freedom is to affirm this to ourselves and imagine ourselves making choices that continue to free us, bless us and, for me, bless all those involved. The act of freely choosing and doing all we can to respect others in the process is a high calling and is often more possible than I give myself or others credit for. It is the ultimate of soul satisfaction.
Ernest Holmes: “We automatically claim our freedom when we are convinced that we can use no mind except the creative Mind of God, and we seek to create no limitation for ourselves.”
Enjoy your celebration, and let’s be grateful and mindful of all the sacrifices so many souls and families gave up for our freedom.
Blessings, Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville