Greeting God Spirits,
Well it’s time to say goodbye to 2020, and open and receive all the Blessings of 2021. This has been a year to remember, and hard to forget. There has been much heartache, but if we look through the pain we can always find many blessings. We have had time for amazing inner growth, and can see that 2020 has been a springboard for many long overdue changes to come. Our gratitude goes out to all the front line workers. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who has lost a loved one , or who is experiencings sickness, during this time, we are holding them in light, love and strength. Knowing with you. an exciting ground breaking year. A year of new beginnings, of Peace, Health, Equality, Political Union, Opportunities and a, WORLD THAT WORK FOR EVERYONE. Thank you for your constant support this year. I claim 2021 will be a year for our Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, TC to grow in numbers and consciousness, with your help. Visit us on Sundays Zooms at 10 AM. Check out our web page for information:
Ernest Holmes quote: “Good and more Good is mine…….An ever-increasing Good is mine. There is no limit to the Good which is mine. It crowds Itself against me, flows through me, expresses Itself in me, and multiplies Itself around me.”
Happy, Healthy, Joy-filled Year to come. Many Blessings, Kathy McConnin Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, TC 252 312 7322