[SOM Cville] Happy Thanksgiving, and Sunday message

Passed along from Kathy…Greeting Super Light Spreaders,Knowing a Happy, Healthy, Loving Thanksgiving for everyone.  Enjoy your day, family and friends.  Feel the Love of Spirit surrounding you with Love, Peace and many Blessings. We are very grateful for the continued support and commitment of all our members.  Thankful for our raising of consciousness and the growth of our Center.This Sunday, Nov. 26 23 we will be meeting on ZoomTime:                 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connectMessage:           “Let’s warm up the Seattle Freeze”                           Rev Kathiane Lewis                           CSL SeattleRev Kathianne’s message dives into our Spiritual Evolution and the Kingdoms of our Consciousness & AwakeningsAs always, find the zoom link on our web page at (direct link) cslcville.org/locationOr go to cslcville.org, pull down the “Home” menu, then pick “Location””See” you Sunday!Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone