“With Thanksgiving being today, are you ready to raise the altitude of your attitude of gratitude? Some Eastern teaching proclaim we are all born with the “seed potential” of all possibilities and that it is the seeds we nurture with our energy of focused attention that grows to fruition. What we focus our attention on rises in the field of our awareness and becomes part of our experience. In challenging times, the tendency for many of us is to stare at what seems to be missing or what’s wrong rather than the good that lies right in front of us. Practicing conscious gratitude activates and directs the creative energy of life that nurtures the seed potential within, which contains the spiritual DNA of a life worth living. For most of us, expressing conscious gratitude is not something we generally remember to do because the collective consciousness obsesses about what is missing in our lives. We can transcend the vortex and gravitational pull of the collective consciousness with the conscious practice of gratitude; it’s just a matter of remembering to remember. William A. Ward wrote, “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say, “Thank You?” When you think about it, a second or two is all that it takes to practice gratitude. Who doesn’t have at least a few seconds to spare each day for such a powerful practice.?
Wanted to share this from today’s Science of Mind Magazine written by Rev Dr. Dennis Merrit Jones.
Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville is grateful for the light you shine into this world. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and each other. Blessings/ Namaste……………………………………………………………….
Wanted to share this from today’s Science of Mind Magazine written by Rev Dr. Dennis Merrit Jones.
Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville is grateful for the light you shine into this world. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and each other. Blessings/ Namaste……………………………………………………………….