Greeting God Spirits,
Date: March 1, 2020, This Sunday Time: 10:00AM You can come at 9:30 to help set up. Place: 1024 Carrington Place Charlottesville, Va 22901 (off Rio Rd East) Web: for directions Contact: Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
Put Sunday, March 1st on your calendar. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS. Terry Atwater, an excellent teacher who truly lives “The Course in Miracles” will be speaking. This is a short explanation of A Course in Miracles from Terry. You will see how the principles coincide with the Science of Mind. This will be a truly mind opening discussion.
The Course in Miracles is one of the most significant spiritual messages of our time. It combines 20th Century psychology with metaphysics, and the result is a consistent and sophisticated spiritual psychotherapy. With Peace as its ultimate goal, the Course is a teaching aid designed to strengthen our awareness of the choices we are always making, and it invites us to align with our inner guidance. Gentle noticing of what we are actually opting for begins the process of reclaiming the love and connectedness we already have within us. The Course offers theoretical and practical tools to undo fear, guilt, anger, disease and repression. It focuses on developing the “little willingness” needed to heal our minds of pain by seeing our past and present relationship differently. The Course aims at an understanding of forgiveness and the undoing of our guilt, which results from the belief that we are separate and independent from God.
Knowing you are enjoying your week, and really looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. Friends are always welcomed. We request you go to our website and meet up group and let us know you will be there. You can also sign up to help or bring goodies to share.
Blessings and Love Kathy