[SOM Cville] Monday July1 Daily Guide

Greeting God Spirits,
Wanted to share with you todays Daily Guide from Science of Mind Magazine.
One of the most valuable mindsets we’ve found is that of having a learning orientation to life. Every situation, circumstance or experience has within it the possibility of our learning, upliftment and growth–the possibility, not a guarantee.
When we approach everything in our experience with the question, “How can I learn and grow from this?”, we shift our experience and empower our expansion. Perhaps a cold, for example, is an opportunity to practice self-care. If so, our focus shifts from the discomfort of the cold to our self-care practice. If we go for this exploration with gusto, we may discover an unexpected level of compassion and love for ourselves as we focus on self-care. Perhaps a new appreciation and acceptance of our physical form results and we feel more holistic as a result. The possibilities of what a situation holds for us are limited only by our willingness to explore the possibilities.
It can be easy to misinterpret this idea to one that says, “Every situation is good.” When looking at tragedy, it flies in the face of common sense to say, “This terrible, awful thing is good.” Situations aren’t good or bad; they simply are. It is our evaluation of them that adds the good or bad qualifier. However, the idea that every situation holds the possibility of learning and growth to the degree that we seek it out can help shift our perspective and provide the fuel to grow through the situation as quickly as possible.
Ernest Holmes, “Behind or within the individualized point is the Universal, which has no limits. In this concept alone lies the possibility of endless and eternal expansion.”
Enjoy your week. Reminder: Sunday July7 2019, Science of Mind group meeting, 10 AM. Blessings, Kathy McConnin