[SOM Cville] Movie Premier: How on Earth Do We Co-Create Home on Earth? – scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com – Gmail

> > mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ > > Movie Premier: How on Earth Do We Co-Create Home on Earth? – scienceofmindcharlottesville@gmail.com – Gmail > > BOOK LAUNCH by our partners Light on Light Press > > THE GREAT UPSHIFT by Ervin Laszlo & David Lorimer > [and other global contributors] > > October 25 at 1PM ET > > > It is time for a profound change and you are invited to join Ervin Laszlo, David Lorimer, and 35 of the world’s leading thinkers who map our path forward beyond today’s crisis- and conflict-prone world to a higher stage of our evolution in the new book The Great Upshift. > > We have reached a historic turning point – a “point of bifurcation” – at which we must find new ways to upshift our individual and collective consciousness to ensure the desired resolution of these crises. > > Ervin Laszlo and David Lorimer, drawing on their holistic expertise and global network, have assembled a stellar cast of contributors who decode the big picture to offer exactly what we need now. The world-renowned scientists and visionaries who contribute to this book illuminate where we are today and where we can go from here. They focus on the most burning question of all: how can we upshift ourselves – our ways of healing, of thinking and feeling, and even of intuiting – to respond to the pressing requirements of our time? > > Watch for this special video from UNIFY on October 25 at 1PM ET > at UNIFY.org <unityearth.lt.acemlnb.com/Prod/link-tracker?redirectUrl=aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRnd3dy51bmlmeS5vcmclMkY=&sig=EGemiZjdnxPsdMsDB4LmPVdEoWeUd4By2y8FQgoKUsEY&iat=1698098819&a=%7C%7C798841331%7C%7C&account=unit…>and UNIFY Facebook <unityearth.lt.acemlnb.com/Prod/link-tracker?redirectUrl=aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tJTJGdW5pZnk=&sig=H9nSYwgZHsJdJawaV312A9Hjo3mxkoKjvw4HhvSArpW2&iat=1698098819&a=%7C%7C798841331%7C%7C&…> > LINK for the book:https://amzn.to/3PklmXB <unityearth.lt.acemlnb.com/Prod/link-tracker?redirectUrl=aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZhbXpuLnRvJTJGM1BrbG1YQg==&sig=B9W1k5d3wuidzkGmUTJteneaJDEPMC4sH3SMLxN7VVTD&iat=1698098819&a=%7C%7C798841331%7C%7C&account=…>