[SOM Cville] Reminder: July 7 2019 Science of Mind Meeting

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder of our Science of Mind group meeting DATE: July 7 2019 TIME: 10 AM PLACE: 937 Canvas Back Drive (Redfields) Charlottesville, Va 22903 CONTACT: Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
We will be listening to Dr. Harry Morgan Moses talk on “The Joy of Spiritual Being” I know you will enjoy his message. As always, feel free to bring a guest, and if you wish goodies to share.
Since we are celebrating FREEDOM, we will be discussing the interesting article by Ernest Holmes, “THE NEW FREEDOM” which follows; This is not the entire article. You can read it in full in the July issue of the Science of Mind Magazine.
Now, as never before, we must keep our thinking straight, we must know that the Truth constitutes the only guidance and the only power there is, and we must more definitely rely on it. This alone will see us through the trying times ahead, give us balance and poise and faith and confidence to know that right always, in the long run, is might. And so it will be in the present experience of the human race. As I see it, the healing power of Mind is transcendent even of our imagination, and yet is a definite law in nature. I do not believe that faith goes beyond law; that wouldn’t be reasonable. But faith goes beyond doubt and introduces a more liberal form of the law. Just as we see these barrage balloons floating down here, lifting the weight oa a mass, and the law of gravity holds it there–and rightly–yet we introduce another element and without any effort the whole thing is lifted.
I think that is the way faith works. There is a law of sequence producing disease. We do not deny that people are sick. If they weren’t sick, what would we be trying to heal them for? We merely affirm that if we introduce the right idea of life, it lifts the consciousness into a transcendent position to the disease and actually removes the disease, not by destroying any law in nature but by introducing a higher law.
Now, the Law of God is FREEDOM. It couldn’t be otherwise, else God would be bound. But our use of the Law of God binds us to the use we make of it. That should seem definite. For instance; the limitation is not in the Law but in the way we use the Law.
The lack of knowledge is bondage until we convert that bondage into freedom. There sonly One Mind and that is the Mind of God. Every one of us has access to It and uses It and loses as much of It as he is capable of perceiving and has imagination enough to know it exists. The universe is in an eternal state of manifestation and we are some part of that manifestation. And so we must divorce our use of the creative Power of God from that creative Power Itself.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FREE It seems to me necessary to assume that the Laws of God are laws of liberty; that wherever there is any restriction, that restriction does not emanate from the Law of God but rather from our restricted us of the Lae of God. I think it is equally necessary to assume that whatever the Law of God, It is something which, if we go with It, will automatically carry us on in our evolution, irresistibly, and if we go contrary to It, will automatically push us back until we approach It in a manner consistent with Its nature. I think that is common sense. If we are praying for a consciousness of love, how can we expect it to come while we hate anything or anybody. I think the Laws of God are such that there is freedom in them. There is all the power that goes with them, when we cooperate with them, whether we are consciously aware or not. There is a power pushing against everything for expression, a life principle, a will, a purpose a Spirit. It is back of us; it causes us to do everything we do; it is closer to us than our breathing; it is the nature and the essence of our being. When we come into conjunction with that power and operate according to the nature of its being we are pushed forward. When we oppose it, we are pushed to one side. The essence of freedom is at the very center of every bondage. The answer to every problem is in the problem. There are but two fundamental principles in nature. ONE IS UNITY OF THE WORLD, THE NEXT IS THE VARIETY, THE DIVERSITY, THE MANIFOLD EXPRESSION OF THAT UNITY. Any system of thought—religious, political, economic– that contradicts one or both of those ia as certain to fall as that tomorrow is certain to follow today. That means that freedom–liberty–is not license. LIBERTY MEANS PROVIDING THE GREATEST POSSIBLE CHANCE FOR EVERY MAN TO BE FREE, GIVING HIM THE GREATEST BACKGROUND FOR FREEDOM, AND ALSO PERMITTING HIM TO GO AHEAD AND ENJOY AS MUCH OF THAT FREEDOM AS HE CAN.
Everyone have a SAFE and FUN July 4th. Celebrate FREEDOM ! Celebrate Life ! Celebrate you ! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Blessings & Love, Kathy