[SOM Cville] Reminder Science of Mind group meeting Sun. 8/18

Dear God Spirits,
A gentle reminder of our Science of Mind meeting this Sunday, Aug. 18, 2019 Time: 10 AM Place: 937 Canvas Back Drive Charlottesville, Va. 22903 (Redfields)
We will be listening to Dr Ernest Holmes on an old radio show speaking about Spiritual Mind Treatments.
The greatest power we have dwells in our ability to think our lives into existence. The world we experience around us demonstrates the consciousness that dwells in our minds in the form of thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. We have within us the ability to change our lives by changing our thinking. Spiritual Mind Treatment offers us a means by which we can accomplish meaningful goals and bring genuine value to our world. When we use Spiritual Mind Treatment as an ongoing spiritual discipline, we live happier, healthier, and fuller lives. (“5 Steps to freedom”, J Waterhouse)
The best way to feel comfortable doing Science of Mind Treatments is …..PRACTICE..PRACTICE…PRACTICE…..
We will address any and all question you have, especially on Treatments. Love to share any progress from your treatments you have been doing.
Enjoy the rest of your week. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. As always our group is open to all, please feel free to bring a friend and some goodies to share, if you wish.
Blessings & Love Kathy