Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder of our meeting this Sunday
TIME: 10 AM or 9:30 to help
Place: 1024 Carrington Place
Charlottesville, Va 22903 (2Fl)
We will be listening to the second part of Dr Ken Gordon talk on:
Five Illusions that keep us from our Good.
Below is a link to Dr Ken Gordon, Spiritual Director for Science of Mind, doing a Science of Mind Treatment.
1. Remember to sign up for hospitality teams: then pick Home, then Teams. You can sign up to bring a snack, or help set up before or clean up after our meetings. It really helps to know who is coming to help or bringing refreshments!
2. Remember we have moved from every other week to 1st and 3rd Sundays. We will plan an alternate activity for 5th Sundays.
3. Kent Ladewig, and Ann & Paul McKinley are starting a book study group after our Sunday meetings THIS SUNDAY. We will go to a restaurant (TBA) for lunch after the meeting, and discuss the book during lunch. We will start with “Verbal Judo” ( When we have completed Verbal Judo, we’ll pick another book to study. We invite other members to join us!
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,
Blessings and Love,
Kathy McConnin
252 312 7322