Greeting God Spirits,
First I would like to acknowledge and appreciate all the support for our first successful, Science of Mind Workshop, Living the 4 Agreements. I know Michele Laub, shared her knowledge and information with all of us and we learned how to truly live, the Four Agreements.. Thank you to everyone who attended.
This Sunday, June 23 2019 YOU GET ANOTHER CHANCE !!!!!
Michele Laub will be our guest speaker. Michele will touch on all of The Four Agreements and also introduce the FIFTH AGREEMENT. This is the perfect opportunity if you were unable to attend the workshop and also, we will learn new tools to expand our lives.
TIME: 10 AM PLACE: 937 Canvas Back Drive, Charlottesville (Redfields) Off 5th Street CONTACT: Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
Open to all. Bring a friend and if you like some goodies to share.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, Blessings, Kathy
The Fifth Agreement is: Be Skeptical, But Learn To Listen. Be skeptical because most of what you hear isn’t true. You know that humans speak with symbols, and that symbols aren’t the truth. Symbols are only the truth because we agree, not because they are really the truth. But the second half of the agreement is learn to listen, an the reason is simple: When you learn to listen, you understand the meaning of the symbols that people are using; you understand their story, and the communication improves a lot. Then perhaps instead of all the confusion among humans who inhabit the earth, there will be clarity. Once you realize that hardly anything you know through symbols is true, then be skeptical is true, then be skeptical has a bigger meaning. Be skeptical is masterful because it uses the power of doubt to discern the truth. Whenever you hear a message from yourself, or from another artist, simply ask: Is it truth, or is it not truth? Is it reality or is it virtual reality? The doubt takes you behind the symbols, and makes you responsible for every message you deliver and receive. Why would you want to invest your faith in any message that is not true? By being skeptical, you don’t believe every message; you don’t put your faith in symbols, and when your faith is not in symbols, your faith is in yourself.