[SOM Cville] Reminder Science of Mind Meeting Sunday, Nov.24th

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our upcoming meeting this Sunday, Nov. 24th 2019. TIME: 10 AM PLACE: 1024 CARRINGTON PLACE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22903 2 FL (OFF RIO RD EAST) CONTACT: KATHY MCCONNIN 252 312 7322
Rev Robin Moore, from Richmond, will be speaking at our meeting. As always, all are always welcome. Please go on our meet up site and check will attend. Feel free to bring a snack to share and bring a friend to share our service and ideas with.
At 1PM, after our group meeting, we will be Celebrating the Life of JOHN ZAJIC. We would love you to join us in remembering and sharing, 96 years, of the Gift of John. www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/waynesboro-va/john-zajic-8902885
November’s theme is Gratitude. Below are excerpts from Science of Mind Magazine Rev Dr. MIchelle Medrano.
The good that God is literally flows through this universe, this world and us. Yet so often we forget that we are in the midst of it right now, and it is in the midst of us right now. It is said that what we focus on tends to expand in our awareness and, therefore, expands into our lives. We repeatedly find our way into gratitude for as much as we possibly can, and this expansive consciousness makes welcome more of this good for us. Keep giving thanks. Keep seeing the good and praising it, raising it, claiming it. It is in this action that we feel a greater sense of happiness and connection to all life. Gratitude is magical in the efforts we are making to improve our lives–individually and collectively.
Gratitude also magnifies our awareness. We can be in the midst of some location, or environment we habitually experience, and suddenly our grateful heart helps us to see that situation, condition, or person in a brand-new light. We see what we had not seen before, feel what we had not felt before and become what we could not have become before. Gratitude is transformative. Let us be transformed daily. AFFIRMATION The good of the Universe is abundantly present in my life right now. I see it, I claim it, and I accept it.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Blessings & Love Kathy