[SOM Cville] Reminder Science of Mind meeting this Sunday 4/14

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder of our meeting Day April 14, 2019 Time 10:00 AM Place 937 CANVAS BACK DRIVE (REDFIELDS) Contact Kathy 252 312 7322
We will be having our Easter Celebration. If you are new to Science of Mind or part of our family we would love to see you this Sunday. Below is an article from Science of Mind April magazine we will be discussing. As you go about your day, remember that you are God and God is life. The most practical thing in the world is trying to experience more of God as love in action.
YOUR REAL SELF by Ernest Holmes
The only news we have of the kingdom of God comes through the consciousness of man by means of spiritual intuition, logical deduction and scientific investigation-the fields of religion, philosophy, and science. The enlightened through the ages have believed in God, and this belief, coupled with a freedom from dogma and superstition, becomes probable the nearest we shall ever come to knowing the ultimate Reality.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” When we see Him as He is, we shall discover that we are like Him.
The greatest minds who have ever lived have believed in this relationship of God and man and there is nothing in modern science that refuted it. Rather, science is confirming it. Every great philosophy has been founded on some intuitive perception of this relationship-and the great search of man is for God, his relationship to the invisible Source from which he came.
WHAT GOD MUST BE Let us consider what we think God must be. Emerson said that when the God of rhetoric and theology is no longer believed in, then may the God that is fire to the heart appear. This is what we all need; individual experience, not just abstractions nor theological inconsistencies, but actual inward personal experience.
God must be peace. There can be no question about it. Today, confronted with the confusion of the world, we desperately need to experience peace. It is not enough just to read and talk about it. We must learn to reveal the Self to the self. Otherwise, we create an increased feeling of separation, and a sense of inferiority and unworthiness is generated. God is peace, and we must experience such peace or we shall continue in confusion.
God is love. There can be no doubt about that. Love can be established as a scientific principle that belongs to every man. We shall never come into an understanding of love until we come into an understanding of humanity. We shall never come into an understanding of humanity or unity so long as we think one man is more important than another.
God’s nature is love. We shall never approach love other than by loving and being lovable. There is no other way. I think we exist because God exists, because there is an irresistible urge in the Being of God to express Himself. We are one of the results of that urge. We exist that the Divine feeling, fire, imagination, and creativity shall be experienced through us. I believe that “now we see as through a glass, darkly, ” but we shall awaken in His likeness. We are all in a certain sense asleep. To the extent we are asleep, we dream–dream of unreality and the illusions of fear and the delusion of hell, all of them false. In such degree, as we live in our consciousness apart from that which is the Center and Source of our being, we are traveling away from the true Self, much as the prodigal of old.
FULFILL YOUR DIVINE DESTINY I think most certainly that every man is a center in the Consciousness of God. Man’s place in creation is to manifest the consciousness of God, to reproduce in his miniature world that which God is in His major world-the microcosm and the macrocosm. There is one God but there are many men. There are many variations in the creation of God, but all are rooted in the unity of Life. Each one, reaching down into the unity, brings up a little different expression of the unity. Every man is an incarnation of God, but no two persons are exactly alike. If no two persons are alike, then God does something different in each one of us. If we could really know this, it would heal our inferiority complexes. To fulfill his Divine destiny, all that a man has to be is himself. God is doing something new and unique in each one of us. Every man is a genius in his individual way or else God is a mistake. There is at the center of every man’s being a unique individualization but we are all drawn from the same Life, the same wellspring of Being, could we but see it. Every man, then, presents God in a way that no other living soul ever did or even can. So, it seems to me, each one should feel that God is in him creatively new and fresh. We should not try to think what somebody else thinks, but think what we think. We should not try to express an idea the way someone else said it. Our oneness with God is a unique status, our individual being. Can anything be more wonderful than this? Each is what he is because it is what God is in him. The good and the just and the wise have all told us to listen deeply to the Self, to be true to the Self, to trust the Self, to come to the Self to find God, for that is what God is. This is not a philosophy of exclusion. It does not breed intellectual snobbery. It merely says that if we travel the highways and byways of human life-north, south, east and west-we will find that every living soul spends his entire time trying to discover what God made him to be. The great search is ended when we find that what we are looking for is what we are looking with.
THE GREAT SURRENDER We have to think of God and our relationship to God, I believe, in a very definite way which is also very simple. In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, one of the ancient Hebrews wrote, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.” Just one, not two. There is only one God. This is one of the ideas of the Mohammedan religion: “There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is his prophet.” It is also the concept of the ancient Hindus; one Presence and one Power existing everywhere, diffused in everything, animating everything. /t/hey spoke of the mind that is in the mineral, the plant and the animal. God is one, and oneness means inclusion-that is, everything is in God. Why does the average person go through life afraid of the Universe? Well, there appear to be certain fundamental needs that every human being has. He has to have confidence in people, in his own destiny and in his estimate of everybody. And he cannot do it unless he believes there is a Divine Presence and Principle greater than he is. Every man has a fundamental need to express Life. We would not have it if Life were not always pressing against us. It has been called the Divine urge, the expression of Life is us, the very nature of our being. It is the aim and end of our existence. We have a vast estate in the Universe that we have not even ventured into for fear we would be lost, like a bird that has spent its life in a cage and is then released outdoors. Everything is too big for the bird to comprehend. There is a Life we long to experience, as a blind men long for light, because somehow or other without a fuller awareness of It we are missing the wholeness of things. We ought to uncover this God-nature within us so that the subtle invisible force of Life would flow more fully between us and all whom we meet. Let us consider then, that if God is one, the one God is wherever we are because God is not divided into a lot of fragments. All of God, like the principle of mathematics, is present wherever we are. Each can say, “There is only one God and that is my God; all that God is, is my God. Some of that God is in me or I would not exist. Since God is not divided, as much of God as I recognize I can experience.” Ig God has implanted His nature in everything, He did not make a mistake. We humans may be foolish but God is not. Love is the highest Principle the Life has to give us because It is Life acting in unity with itself. It can never act another way. We act contrariwise and build up liabilities, stifling the healing currents of that Power, which is the healing Power in the world. Why? Because we are afraid that it is not practical to love, to love one another. God is Life. Why don’t we try to experience more of Its action as love.? This is the most practical thing in the world. Out of all of man’s despair and chagrin and disillusionment, out of all the disunion and hate that project man’s own unconscious rejection into his experience, the echo of Reality ever flows to the surface of consciousness, a cry perpetually arising for more recognition. We dare not refuse It. We mistakenly have looked to the wise, to the sages and saints and saviors, especially to Jesus as the way. That way is in us. Let us awaken from this deep mesmeric slumber, this hypnotic spell that has cast the morbid shadows of introspection of defeat across the pathway of our evolution and cast up on the shores of our experience the idols of fear and doubt and hatred. Let us break these idols and set on the altar of our highest hope the image of Love as Ella Wheeler Wilcox described it; “A love so limitless, deep and broad that men have renamed it and called it God.”
Blessings & Love, Kathy