Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our Meeting this Sunday, Sept. 1 2019 TIME: 10 AM PLACE: 937 Canvas Back Drive, Charlottesville, Va 22903 (Redfields) CONTACT: 252 312 7322 Kathy
Our own, Paul McKinley will be speaking on “In The World” Paul will teach us new ways of thinking about our own spiritual truths, in ways that help us lead a more positive and joyful life. Topics will include trust, truth vs half-truth, grace and willingness to allow beingness. This will be a real treat ,so don’t miss this one. As always, we are open to all. Please feel free to bring a friend and some goodies to share, if you like.
I will be sending an article, “OWNING OUR DIVINE NATURE”, from August, Science of Mind Magazine in a separate e mail. I know you will enjoy reading.
Enjoy this beautiful weather and your fantastic week. Blessings & Love Kathy