Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder of our study group meeting this Sunday, Sept. 15 th TIME: 10 AM PLACE: 937 Canvas Back Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (Redfields) CONTACT: Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
This week we will be listening to, Rev Mark Anthony Lord, from Centers for Spiritual Living in Santa Rosa. His talk is on “Getting Unstuck” I know you will enjoy it. It is filled with helpful information.
As always our group is open to all. Feel free to bring a friend and some goodies to share.
Below is an excerpt from the book “How to Speak Science of Mind”. This book is a guide to the basic concepts and terms that define this practical spiritual lifestyle. Author Dennis Merritt Jones. I will be sending you some examples of terms from time to time.
SUMMARY The teaching of Science of Mind has one primary purpose: To assist individuals who desire, and are willing do the necessary work, to heal their life of any and all discord, fear, superstition, guilt, and sense of lack. Wholeness is a Reality and it can be found at the very center of who and what we are now. In the process of creating a better life for ourselves we add something of great meaning and worth to the world.
The intention of Science of Mind is not to instruct willing individuals in what to think but rather in how to think. We can best learn how to think by first understanding that we live in a Spiritual Universe that operates on purpose, by responding to our thoughts, feelings and deepest beliefs.
It is you and you alone who ultimately creates your experience. While this Truth may at times be challenging to accept, it is also the Truth which makes you free.
As we learn to take responsibility for our thinking, we shall see our lives transformed in incredible and wonderful ways. We can begin to live, move, and express our true nature in a greater awareness that God is All that is. As we honor God’s Presence in all people and place ( including ourselves, wherever we may be) the Divine Principle of Life automatically honors us.
In the conclusion of the Science of Mind textbook, Dr. Ernest Holmes summarized this all very well when he wrote, “The practice of Truth is personal to each, and in the long run no one can live our life for us. To each is given what he needs and the gifts is all that matters!”
In other words, there is a Power for good in the Universe, greater than you and you can use it now. This is God’s gift to you–and what you decide to do with it is your gift to God!
Looking forward to being with all of you this Sunday. Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin