[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Meeting 9/29/19

Greetings God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our Science of Mind group meeting this Sunday at 10 AM SAME LOCATION 937 Canvas Back Dr, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (Redfields)
The message will be by Rabbi Ted Falcom “Awakening” Our group is open to all. Please feel free to bring a friend and some goodies to share.
To support our group, kindly visit our meet up page and click attend. We Know our spiritual family grows in numbers and in consciousness.
Looking forward to being with you on Sunday.
Below is an excerpt from “How to Speak Science of Mind” by Dennis Merritt Jones:
How can disease be healed?
In Science of Mind, disease might be defined as an impersonal thought force which operates through individuals but is not the truth about them. Because disease is an effect (or condition) it has no creative power of its own. While most people would not consciously or intentionally “think” themselves into a disease, when disease exists there is an underlying subjective belief (or cause) operating below the surface of the person’s conscious awareness. This belief produces a sense of separation.
The process of healing a physical disease begins with healing the mind of all sense or belief in one’s separation from Infinite Intelligence, God. As we become more aware of the presence of God at the very center of our being, inner peace will be the result. To the degree which our creative minds become, “at-ease,” disease in our bodies will dis-appear. God-Self awareness is the key to being at-ease.
Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin