A gentle reminder about our Science of Mind group meeting. Date Feb 3 2019 Time 10:00 AM Place 937 Canvas Back Drive Charlottesville, Va. 22901
We will be listening to Science of Mind Basic Part 3 with Rev Lee Wolak and a short, really interesting lesson from Dr. Joe Dispenza on “How to Control Your Mind”
I am excited that Rev Robin More from Richmond Va will be speaking at our Februrary 17th meeting. I know you will enjoy her.
Rev Faith Woods from Falls Church Va will be joining us for your March 17 2019 meeting.
Article from SoM Magazine Spreading the Common Good by Margaret Stortz
One of the most magnificent tenets of the Science of Mind is that “the will of God is always good…Anything that will enable us to express greater life, greater happiness, greater power–so long as it does not harm anyone–must be the will of God for us”
This was spoken by Dr. Ernest Holmes again and again with no exceptional qualifications. No one is left out because of race, gender, religion, place of birth, age or any other qualifiers that may set people apart from other people–or from animals, for that matter. The divine good is a loving, moving quality of life. As Holmes puts it,”Seeing the good tends to bring it forth.” Thus, those who believe in the ubiquity of good indeed would tend to want to bring it forth as a natural order of things. Perhaps because of a general discouragement about conduct at the national level in the United States, outbreaks of the desire to spread good are showing up at many levels in America and around the world. We can see this at the state level and in corporations, but it also is happening in small intimate groups held in peoples’ homes. It is almost as if people know that something important is missing and must be found again. Some common good has been darkened and now needs to be brought into the light. When great numbers of people in Washington, D.C. and in more than 800 events throughout the United States and the world came together in a “March for Our Lives”, held in March 2018 to end gun violence, we knew that something for the common good must come forth. And this involves more than gun control and preventing violence against the young. It may be true that the will of God must be good, but where does the divine good show up but in public acts and gestures, large, and small? Let us remember that this march was for life, not against it.
GOOD IS A VIBRANT QUALITY Many are becoming concerned about the lack of a vibrant quality of good in the United States, and one such person is Robert Reich, an American political commentator, professor, and author who served as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton and now teaches public policy at the University of California, Berkeley. His newest book, unsurprisingly, is entitled “The Common Good”. He has consistently spoken of the degradation of good by citizens who do not know or care what is involved in its implementation. Reich also has said, “we have never been a perfect union; our finest moments have been when we sought to become more than we have been. We can help restore the common good by striving for it and showing others it’s worth the effort.”