[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Meeting Nov. 10

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our meeting this Sunday, Nov 10, 2019 Time: 10 AM ( help set up at 9:30) Place 1024 Carrington Place 2 floor Charlottesville, ( off Rio Rd East ) Contact Kathy McConnin 252 312-7322
We are open to all. Please bring a snack to share and a friend to share our thoughts with. Please let us know you will be attending, on our meet up site.
In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated in November, with food, fellowship and reflections of gratitude. In the Science of Mind magazine Rev Dr Michelle Medrano has dedicated 30 days of gratitude each day has a different focus. This is Nov.1st Gratitude for Right Now
The grace of gratitude can be ours in any moment. Certainly, in moments of great joy and triumph, gratitude naturally bubbles or floods forth. Moments of great challenge seen through the eyes of this grace can contain deeper meaning. Even moments of boredom, confusion, emotion or pain can be softened when partnered with gratitude. The recipe that creates deeper meaning seems to be that the heart engages. We have the ability to choose to stop and look up at any moment to embrace a grateful moment. We can embrace this choice, this way of living, this self-facilitated moment of grace. While the goal is not to stop the momentum of the experience we are having right now in favor of gratitude, gratitude is an additional layer of experience we can claim any time we like. Joy and laughter remind me I am alive-gratitude. In the midst of awe as the sun sets-gratitude. In a moment of mourning-for the impact of that which touched my life-gratitude. The experience, the emotion and the gratitude can all be present at once. In this moment, right now, look up. Look around. Take in the experience of the now moment in its fullness. See something or someone and let gratitude flow, or feel something and let gratitude flow. Allow it to well up from your heart and feel the healing balm of it. Turn on the faucet of gratefulness.
Looking forward to sharing Blessings & Love Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322