[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Meeting October 27th

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our special Meeting this Sunday. Our guest speaker will be PMH ATWATER. Dr Atwater is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies. She will be speaking on her personal experience with Science of Mind. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
Our New Location: 1024 Carrington Place, 2 fl Charlottesville, Va. 22903 (off Rio Rd East)
Time: starts at 10 AM Would appreciate help setting up at 9:30 AM
Please respond that you are attending on our Meet up site
We have an opportunity for someone to coordinate food and snacks for our meetings. Anyone interested please contact Kathy. Your help is greatly appreciated.
As always, we are open to all and ask everyone to bring a snack and a friend to share it with.
Looking forward to experience this together. Blessings & Love, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322
Something to think about from “How to Speak Science of Mind”
Do all people have intuition and, if so, how can it be accessed?
In The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes states, “Intuition is God in man, revealing to him the Realities of Being”. Consider a radio beacon which is broadcasting its signal twenty-four hours a day. It is only when we “tune in” to the signal that we receive the information being sent. Spiritually speaking, that is how intuition works. Infinite Intelligence is making itself available to us at all times so we may be guided to our highest and best experiences in life. The same principle holds true for the animal world and the Intelligence acting in them is know as instinct. The primary difference between humans and animals is that animals have no choice but to receive and follow their natural instincts because survival depends on it; however, we do have a choice. Too often our minds and bodies are not in the same place at the same time. We can access our intuition by making time to “be still and know” and by listening to that quiet still voice that often speaks not just in our ear, but through our feeling nature as well.