[SOM Cville] Science of Mind meeting Sunday, May 26, 2019

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our meeting. Date: May 26, 2019 Time: 10 AM till 12 Place: 937 Canvas Back Drive (Redfields) Charlottesville, Va 22903 (off 5th Street)
Exciting news……We have started a MEET UP GROUP for our Science of Mind Discussion group. Please join up! A link is at the end of this email.
https://www.meetup.com/Charlottesville-Science-of- Mind-Discussion-Meetup-Group/
UP COMING EVENT: Living the 4 Agreement Class Date: June 15, Sat Time: 10AM till 4 PM Place: UVA Darden School of Business 100 Darden Blvd Room 130 for more info. Please check out our web page somcville.org/4agree
May 26, 2019 We will be ending our series on the Basis of Science of Mind with a review and message on Spiritual Practice with Rev Lee Wolak
We will be discussing this article from the May Science of Mind magazine. “WORKING WITH THE LAW’ by Margaret Stortz
This article is about aligning ourselves with the Infinite Intelligence that creates, maintains and sustains all of life, naturally.
This was a big, broad statement that made me wonder: says yes to what? Plus, considering how many times peoples’ lives could be upset by events that sometimes seemed out of their control, what kind of a yes was that ?
As I became more aware metaphysical principles, I began to understand that this great sentence involved use of the Law of Cause and Effect. I learned that the Law does not choose what it responds to or how it responds. In essence, whatever we set in motion through our thought processes, the law must affirm.
If, for instance, we are thinking, “Boy, life is terrible,” the law must respond, “Yes, life is terrible!” Or if we think, “I can never do anything right,” the law must follow along with, “Yes, you can never do anything right, ‘ and proceed to make it so. What this should tell the aware thinker is that we really need to become clearer about how the Infinite Mind works and, more importantly, how we can align our own thinking with it. Blessedly, we also have to consider what we can observe about the divine nature to obtain some awareness as to how it works, and we can do this through the use od reason and intuition. Along the way we can consult some pf the great spiritual thinkers for advice.
What can we know about the Divine Nature? We can, for one thing, be aware of the necessary Illness of God, for how could we count of a uniform operation of spiritual laws if there were God and something else? Ernest Holmes writ4es that “the Spirit could know nothing outside Itself, that would be God and something else, SPIRIT IS ALL.” Holmes also writes that the Spirit is creative: “If this were not true, nothing could come into existence,” If we pay attention to our own lives, we can know that the creative nature of God extends through Its creations, notably ourselves, except for Its infinity. We cannot know all that God knows, but we can be and are immensely creative, sometimes without real thought as to what we are setting in motion. This is one reason why we must line up our thinking more closely to the affirmative nature of God. The Universe Affirms and Responds We know that the Divine Nature affirms life. It is life; It can do no other. Raymond Charles Barker, a well-known master of Religious Science, writes that “there is only one Creative Intelligence creating out of Itself.” How, then, can Creative Intelligence become destructive Intelligence? Possibly it can seem so because of misunderstandings we hold about God, ourselves and our relation to God. Holmes says simply, “Life is, and right at this point all inquiry into Truth starts.” Because the force of Life is so powerful and amenable to our thought, we must be more aware of the power that is inherently ours. We now should know that the Divine is, by its nature, responsive to our thoughts. We see the Law of Mind at work and that It will not refuse us anything. This Intelligence is such that It cannot tap us on the shoulder and say, Think again. You’re not going to like these outcomes.” We must figure this out for ourselves.
Probably the most important element of the nature of God is the power to heal, to make broken places whole again, for what would be Its use if It did not have the power to restore. Holmes boldly proclaims that “at the center of every man’s being there is an absolute Perfect Life, a complete Wholeness and a deathless Principle.” When I served for many years as director of the Ministry of Prayer in a local Science of Mind church, every year, by far, the greatest number of prayer requests were for healing, mostly physical. Essentially, one of the major components of all metaphysics is the idea that wholeness can be revealed at any moment, and one of the practices to achieve this is through the use of prayer or Spiritual Mind Treatment. Prayer is a clear, active recognition of the Oneness of all creation, and in this lies the intentional connection of the individual mind to the healing mind of God. There is great energy in the focused thought found in prayer, and those engaged in spiritual practices know this. Holmes says that “trained thought is far more powerful then untrained thought, “and anyone who concentrates thought thereby uses this power purposely.
Without doubt, love is the most cherished of the Divine attributes. Holmes unequivocally defines love as “the self-livingness of the Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation.” Almost 40 years ago, psychiatrist Dr. Gerald Jampolsky, through some deep difficulties in his life, began to practice a thought system that made him so aware of the power of love that he made it the center of his activities, so much so that one of the mandates of his life became the statement, “Teach only love, for that is what you are.” This is an example of what can happen when we turn to and open ourselves to Infinite Love. This practice is yet another reason to be aware of how we set in motion the Law of Mind. Holmes declares that “Love rules through law,” and that we make a mistake if we see the universe only working as a set of mechanical laws or as an ungovernable essence of warmth and spontaneity that follows no order. He sees essential Life as the mandate of Love that works in a lawful manner. So must we, then, if we are to be as wise, loving and powerful as we can be.
Holmes believed that “God is a Presence personified in us,” a living Presence that we can and do contact, sometimes in moments of high intuition, sometimes through prayer and meditation, sometimes as simply as when we are walking along, not thinking about much of anything. Don’t we all know of times when an idea or maybe the needed answer to a concern just popped into our minds? We might even have seized upon something that began to change the trajectory of our lives. David Spangler, a clairvoyant and an intuitive, might consider this a “holy call”, a revelation, an inner prompting, a vision.” Through some inspirational tendencies, we might begin to live more expansive lives than we ever imagined. This, too, is part of the transformational nature of the Infinite within us. It can be difficult to know at times just what lies within us until we come to learn how the mind works, especially as we align ourselves with the responsive order of the Law of Mind. Perhaps we can close with a wonderful last word from Dr. Barker: “Your only enemy is yourself, and the only thing that can hold you back is your own mind.”
This week make it a practice to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. For truly, you are the creator of your life. Make it a great one.
Our group is open to all. Please feel free to bring a friend. Looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday.
Blessings Kathy McConnin