[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Meeting ??????

Greeting God Spirits,
We are schedule for a meeting this Sunday March 15 and I realize there are concerns, not fears.
For the purpose of being responsible: there will be no coffee or food of any kind. Since we are a small, powerful group, it will be easy to separate the chairs. We will be cleaning surfaces prior to our meeting. We all realize the importance of hand washing and following guidelines for the oneness of health. The God in me always honors the God in you, so we will be sending our loving energy to one another without touching.
PLEASE let me know if you are planning to attend. YOU CAN NOT RESPOND TO THIS E MAIL……………
Send your response to : Scienceofmindharlottesville@gmail.com or call Kathy, 252 312 7322 or go to our meet up page to respond
Paul will be working on setting up our next meeting on a zoom session. E mail to follow with specific directions on how this will work.
I am knowing health and wholeness for all our members and friends of our spiritual community in my Spiritual Mind Treatments and are available to you.
One last thought……here’s an excerpt from an unpublished prayer by Ernest Holmes…………… “Let us face the future without fear but let us all also face it intelligently as men and women who are not afraid of anything. There is nothing in the universe to be afraid of. Let us realize that as the world is healed and brought into peace, it will come to pass only because somewhere along the line the balance of the scales of Eternal Truth shall fall on the side of peace”
Let’s experience peace together, now and always. Looking forward to hearing from you. Blessings & Love, Kathy