[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Zoom meeting, Sunday Nov 22

Greeting God Spirits,
Last Sunday, Nov 15 we listened to a message from Rev Dr Roger Teel. A few things that stayed with me from that rich message I wanted to share with you. “Compassion is understanding the lack of understanding” . Think about that . With Compassion we can step into our own JOY. Joy is the Infalliable sense of the presence of God. An affirmation I have adopted this week from his talk is; “God, I am willing, and grateful, to BE HAPPY”.
This week, we will be listening to Rev Dr. David Ault. His message will be
“The Center of Divine Attraction”. Rev Ault was the minister of CSL in Atlanta, now, he is an Author and Teacher and runs Kaleidoscope Child Foundation. Interesting views taken from the Ernest Holmes book,” Creative Mind and Success”. His new book is on Polarity. Looking forward to your thoughts on his interesting and thought provoking message. Date: Nov. 22, 2020 Time: 10:AM or 9:30 to connect with friends
Ernest Holmes quote from Creative MInd. This is Ernest Holmes first book written.
“We have within us a power that is greater than anything that we shall ever contact in the outer, a power that can overcome every obstacle in our life and set us sage, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous, in a new light, and in a new life.”
Here’s the Zoom info: us02web.zoom.us/j/89604207221?pwd=OEJSalJmV011NEJYUmJEL0dZeFFsUT09 <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKfLMox19j6FWI5zvH5uTMlibO36iQOQjXyVQbI6NDuMw2HN6TY4YJnNzMLQwhpUtGTKNv6ygP2jfPTo4…> You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#
Plan B: Google Meet – we’ll use this ONLY if Zoom is not working. Meeting link: meet.google.com/odq-bwuu-dbm <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKdwyOeYTKw-2FzAsGDNswBkJN-2Fm7Jjb-2F8VX9B6e-2FRfUpP9szR79vbomgtSb0whnUXrz09GZIaJ…> Sorry, I wasn’t able to determine how to dial in via Google Meet.
Both Zoom and Google Meet have apps for your smartphone, either iOS or Android;
See you on ZOOM
Blessings & Love
Kathy McConnin
937 Canvas Back Drive
Charlottesville, Va 22903
252 312 7322