[SOM Cville] Science of Mind Zoom, Sunday Jan 24 at 10AM

Gentle Reminder,
Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, T.C. will be having our weekly Zoom meeting. Date: Jan 24, 2021 Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 A.M. to connect with friends Message: From Rev Kathianne Lewis, CSL Seattle “Pray your way to Success” Please join us for an uplifting message, and share with someone you know will uplift them.
From SOM Magazine June 21 I wonder if we think about how life is actually within us. Probably not, but if we would most likely be surprised to know how much universal energy is available to us. We already know that our brains have a much greater capacity for knowledge storage than we will ever use, but do we think about the flow of energy that actually moves, unnoticed and unused, through us ? I like to say that we are privy to “more-ness” rather “less-ness” in our minds. We are just not always attentive to the fact that the wonder of the universe is bursting through us, presenting us with ideas & streams that often pass through us without our raising much notice. Once the demands of our days are completed, how much time do we allow for mental/spiritual overflow to spill out into conscious awareness? How much gumption do we give to a desire to explore? Do we know that the more “up” we are in living, the more”down” goes the aging process?
Here’s the Zoom info:
us02web.zoom.us/j/89604207221?pwd=OEJSalJmV011NEJYUmJEL0dZeFFsUT09 <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKfLMox19j6FWI5zvH5uTMlibO36iQOQjXyVQbI6NDuMw2HN6TY4YJnNzMLQwhpUtGTKNv6ygP2jfPTo4…> You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#
Plan B: Google Meet – we’ll use this ONLY if Zoom is not working. Meeting link: meet.google.com/odq-bwuu-dbm <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKdwyOeYTKw-2FzAsGDNswBkJN-2Fm7Jjb-2F8VX9B6e-2FRfUpP9szR79vbomgtSb0whnUXrz09GZIaJ…> Sorry, I wasn’t able to determine how to dial in via Google Meet.
Both Zoom and Google Meet have apps for your smartphone, either iOS or Android;
See you on ZOOM
Blessings & Love 💕🙏
Kathy McConnin
937 Canvas Back Drive
Charlottesville, Va 22903
252 312 7322