Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
Your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, T.C. will be having our weekly Sunday Zoom, June 27 2021. Time: 10 AM, 9:30 AM to connect with friends Message: “PUSHED BY PAIN” Rev Bobbi Becker, Namaste CSL Long Beach, Ca. Her message talks about “The Ego” and “The Pain Body” and why we worry. Interesting ideas, love to have you join us. We are an open affirming Spiritual Community that practices the philosophy of Science of Mind. If you are open to having the Life you always wanted, join us each Sunday .
Ernest Holmes on “THE EGO”, from Living the Science of Mind. We believe that there is a real Spiritual Ego back of the psychological one. The psychological ego acquired in living is a projection of the Real Ego and what we experience in life. There is an Ego, or an I Myself, which was not created by experience but only expressed through it. There is a real and dynamic Spiritual Ego. If there were not, the psychological ego could never have functioned. This Real Ego the Bible calls the Christ in us, the Hope of Glory, At the center of every man’s life the impersonal becomes personal; the generic becomes individualized. The Universe or God is incarnated in each individual in an entirely different and unique manner. This is the hidden Source of Life, the place where Christ in us blends on one side with the Divine, and on the other side with the individual
ZOOM LINK ————————————————————————————————————–
We are having problems with the Zoom link due to meetup breaking the link. Please go to the LOCATION page : ————————————————————————————————————– Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom Sunday. Peace & Blessings, Kathy McConnin Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, Teaching Chapter 252 312 7322
You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#