[SOM Cville] Second Class in Person: ” Sacred Guidance Through Near Death Experiences”

Greeting Super Light Spreaders,
This will be our second IN PERSON class we will be sharing. Caroline Myss and Nancy Rynes *”Sacred Guidance Through Near Death Experiences”* The first class was *amazing.*
*DATE: Sunday, August 25 2024* *IN PERSON : *The Center at Belvedere 540 Belvedere Blvd Charlottesville, Va 22901 SAME ROOM 2 FL *TIME: 10AM, *9:30 AM to connect
*TOPIC FOR CLASS # 2* *Experiencing an NDE and Life Review.* People who have NDE’s always report that the most transforming part of their experience was their life review, the experience of reliving every moment of the life they were still living, as a way of re-entering that life with a cosmic-sized awareness of how precious every moment of their life is. 1 The Transformative power of a life review: content & guidance. 2 Re-living key life moments from multiple perspectives. 3 Exercise: A guided meditation into a life review. 4 Lessons on connection, compassion, personal impact upon others & growing awareness.
This is a powerful, exciting class, full of new information. Please join us and bring a friend. I know you will enjoy this one……

ZOOM LINK: go to our website cslcville.org, HOME on top of page,LOCATION, and scroll down and click on the ZOOM link. cslcville.org/location

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Call Kathy if you have any questions:
252 312 7322

Open to all. We learn and grow from each other.
Blessings & Love
Kathy McConnin RScP
252 312 7322