[SOM Cville] “State of Being”

Dear God Spirits,
Wanted to share todays Science of Mind magazine message.
“How wonderful it is to think that we can broadcast “Mental Germs” of confidence, of love, of peace, of joy, of goodwill. How wonderful to know that each one of us can so influence his environment that everyone who steps into it will be benefited.” Ernest Holmes
If my state of being can profoundly affect others, then I have the responsibility to always be the absolute best I can be, based on a feeling of centeredness within Spirit. Any thought that is outside this realm has no place in an effort to uplift those around me. It’s a lesson worth remembering. Your thinking affects others. What is your mental atmosphere?
AFFIRMATION: Firmly in charge of my own thoughts and state of being, I consciously radiate peace, love and joy to those around me.
Knowing health, safety and peace for each one of you. Blessings & Love, Kathy