[SOM Cville] Sunday, Feb. 14 Science of Mind Zoom

Gentle Reminder,
Our Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, T.C. Zoom is this Sunday. Feb. 14 ,2021 (Valentines Day ) Time: 10 AM, or 9:30 AM to connect with friends. Message: “The Mystery of Love” with Imam Jamal Rahman An Islamic Perspective. Lessons from the Quran. There is only oneness. Change your thinking, Change your Life, Change the World Love you to join us.
Science of Mind; Love Rules Through Law pg 43
In an intelligent study of the teaching of the Science of Mind, we come to understand that all is Love and yet all is Law. Love rules through Law. Love is the Divine Givingness; Law is the Way. Love is spontaneous; Law is impersonal. We should study the nature of Reality with this in mind, and in this way we shall avoid two grave mistakes; either viewing life as made up only of mechanical laws, or viewing it as made up only of spontaneous actions, irrespective of law and order. As we gain the broader viewpoint, we shall see that Life must contain two fundamental characteristics. We shall see that there is an Infinite Spirit, operating through an Infinite and Immutable Law. In this, Cosmos, and not chaos, finds an eternal existence in Reality. Love points the way and Law makes the way possible.
Here’s the Zoom info:
us02web.zoom.us/j/89604207221?pwd=OEJSalJmV011NEJYUmJEL0dZeFFsUT09 <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKfLMox19j6FWI5zvH5uTMlibO36iQOQjXyVQbI6NDuMw2HN6TY4YJnNzMLQwhpUtGTKNv6ygP2jfPTo4…> You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#
Plan B: Google Meet – we’ll use this ONLY if Zoom is not working. Meeting link: meet.google.com/odq-bwuu-dbm <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zd8qCM9Fz2eS2UmZYoAd-2BcIf5eTmUjdG5j9IAfca75MXy0IClThh6NhaaDoCmfEwZKdwyOeYTKw-2FzAsGDNswBkJN-2Fm7Jjb-2F8VX9B6e-2FRfUpP9szR79vbomgtSb0whnUXrz09GZIaJ…> Sorry, I wasn’t able to determine how to dial in via Google Meet.
Both Zoom and Google Meet have apps for your smartphone, either iOS or Android;
See you on ZOOM
Blessings & Love 💕🙏
Kathy McConnin
937 Canvas Back Drive
Charlottesville, Va 22903
252 312 7322