[SOM Cville] Sunday May 03, 2020 Zoom call

Greeting God Spirits,
Gentle Reminder, this Sunday, May 03,2020 is our Zoom Meeting at 10 AM Our message will be from our own BOB RANNIGAN LPC TheFather Connection.Word Press.com The Topic will be “Mindful Speech”

We will open the zoom at 9:30 if you need connection help and just to check in with each other. Zoom information is the Same as before, but for your convenience:
Same as before, for your convenience: zoom.us/j/339413162?pwd=L0Fkc0FydUFydHZsa1dyRXRDVmloZz09 <meet.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=SDNnya-2FgLI6CfUa8do8Zdz9tIh5Etrjm2cOwCIl-2BcbZMtyVHReL69iNerPU-2Fj0Otl1eKAPz8tB352R16Sn0jBBiqFhcwYhs3cyHKdzyL1Z0-3D8WAo_tnNbFsM4At6vS9jjIqSXmgcFbcVfZMOXqriHj-2FL6eiSjX…>
If you have poor bandwidth, you can call in to get audio-only: one-touch +19294362866,,339413162#,,#,531309# or dial 929-436-2866 then enter meeting ID 339413162 then password 531309
Coping with COVID-19
As our physical and virtual communities continue to grapple with connectivity in a time of isolation, we want to share your thoughts, ideas and successes in a new envisioning of what it means to be connected.
Arundhati Roy wrote: “The coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to ‘normality,’ trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. But the rupture exists. And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality.
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.
“We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”
Through this newsletter, on the magazine’s website, in our social media and in an upcoming issue of Science of Mind magazine, we’d like to share your stories, whether of struggles or successes.
To inspire each other, to continue to be one community, we ask that you please share your stories and photos with Julie Mierau at Julie@JMWordsmith.com.
Knowing only health, safety, abundance and happiness for each of you
and your families. We are all here for each other so reach out if you would like.
Blessings & Love,
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