Gentle Reminder,
Your Center for Spiritual Living will be hosting our Zoom this Sunday, July 25 2021 Time: 10AM, or 9:30AM to connect with friends Message: “The View from the Top” Rev Michael Beckwith Our Souls knows everything. Rev Michael shares a powerful message on staying connected to our power. Spend your Sunday morning with like minded powerful God Spirits. Everyone is always welcome. Spread the word to a friend.
Ernest Holmes from “The Science of Mind” “The conscious mind of man is that part of, or unity with, the Supreme Spirit which enables man to be an individual unit, separate in identity without becoming separated from, the Whole Spirit of God, the Whole Mind of God. Without this conscious mind of man in an individualized state, God or the Spirit, would have no independent offspring, therefore God would not be completely expressed. The Eternal has placed Himself at the center of man’s being in order that man may function individually. The discovery of this, the greatest truth about man, is the greatest discovery of the ages.”
We are having problems with the Zoom link due to meetup breaking the link. Please go to the LOCATION page : <…>
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Looking forward to seeing you on zoom Peace & Blessings, Kathy McConnin Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, Teaching Chapter 252 312 7322
You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#