[SOM Cville] Sunday Science of Mind Zoom, July 11 2021

Gentle Reminder,
Sunday, July11 2021 is your Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, T.C. Zoom Meeting. Time: 10AM, or 9:30AM Message: “The Tao of Freedom” CSL Napa Valley, Rev Jay Lang.
We will be talking about keeping our lives in a healthy balance. The Science of Mind reveals universal principles that apply to all people, at all times, in all places. It presents powerful, life changing ideas in straightforward language; its simple, practical philosophy has helped millions of people live better, happier lives. Spend your Sunday morning, with like minded friends. Love to have you join us. Open to all…
“ON SECOND THOUGHT’ SOM Magazine ( 7/2/21) “Rethinking an initial reaction to a troubling incident that happens in life is like taking the next step up a ladder. From that higher perspective, we see farther. We see more. We get a clearer view. A wise way to live is to take this higher next step. By being willing to wait for this second thought, we move from reactivity, which is always at the same level as the triggering event, to the empowering, higher level of responsiveness. We are guided to do that which leads us ever higher in our spiritual evolving.”
We are having problems with the Zoom link due to meetup breaking the link. Please go to the LOCATION page : cslcville.org/location XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom Sunday. Peace & Blessings, Kathy McConnin Center for Spiritual Living Charlottesville, Teaching Chapter 252 312 7322

You shouldn’t need the password for that link, but just in case, it’s “somcville”
Or, if you’re bandwidth or technology challenged, you can dial in: One-tab mobile: +13126266799,,89604207221#,,1#,642812# <+13126266799,,89604207221#,,1%23,642812%23> Or to manually dial: 312-626-6799 then the meeting ID: 896 0420 7221# then the numeric password: 642812#