Greetings God Spirits,
Join us tomorrow (Sunday) at 9 or 11 AM at the Center for Spiritual Living Seattle Vimeo Livestream or Facebook live. Very easy, just go to their web site under Sunday Live Stream and you will see the link. They are also having a a Meditation & Exploration Service at 5:30 on Facebook Live.
“Those of us on the spiritual path eventually find ourselves in the not knowing. It’s uncomfortable, sometimes terrifying and essential to our growth as spiritual beings. It is there that we must learn to embrace the not knowing, and lean into and trust the spiritual unfoldment that is taking place, even if we cannot see it. Staying in the not knowing is Olympic-grade work. It requires a willingness to surrender to what is, while knowing that our good is forever coming to us and through us AFFIRMATION: I firmly plant my feet in the not knowing, allowing Spirit to guide me.” (Science of Mind magazine)
Below is a message from Rev. Robin Moore I wanted to share with you.
Hi, Science of MInd Charlottesville, Greetings. Great Day !!! How are you ? We trust all is well with you and your family. We are thinking of you, sending you lots of love, light, and joy. There is only One Presence and One Power active in our lives and our affairs. There is only God, only Good despite any appearance to the contrary. We are one in the One. Allow, make welcome the fullness of God as your expression and experience. Choose your experience. Utilize this time as a gift and opportunity. Know that whatever is before you, is for you. Know that you are within the Presence of God/Spirit/Source ( All that is) Trust. Surrender. Be. Know that you are safe. Know that you are well. Rest in the Presence you are. Shine the Light You are Brightly. Please let us know how we can be of assistance to you. Blessings, Rev Robin Moore
Enjoy the Holidays and each other,??? Love ya, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322