[SOM Cville] Zoom April 19, Science of Mind

Greeting God Spirits,
A gentle reminder about our Science of Mind Zoom meeting this Sunday, April 19, at 10:00 AM we will open at 9:30 for help getting on. Our topic is “The Hardest One to Forgive,” a new look at the story of Judas. by our own Paul McKinley.
Zoom link is same as before: zoom.us/j/339413162?pwd= LOFkcOFydUFydHZsa1dyRXRDVmloZz09
Those without good internet service can dial in: One tap mobile: +13126266799,,339413162#,,#,531309# or 312-626-6799 then meeting id 339 413 162 then password 531309
Ernest Holmes writes in his book “365 Science of Mind’
My strength cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Recognizing this strength -which is perfect, complete and ever-present with me-I have implicit trust and confidence not only in its availability right where I am, but in its action in and through everything I am doing. There is a Power behind my every thought and word. There is a Power going before me and preparing my way. I rest in this Power in calm and serene confidence, with perfect trust and faith. I know that this Power is good, it is constructive, it is activated by love, it is directed by Divine Intelligence, an I use it, even in the simplest things in my life. Today then, I accept that all the Power there is belongs to me. In joy and in gladness I recognize and use this Power. Therefore, today I am sustained and upheld by It, in peace, in joy, and in wholeness.
Knowing each and every one of us has within, everything they need to know inner peace and that all is well and God’s got this. We got this……..
Looking forward to, kind of seeing, everyone on Sunday. Sending light and love, Kathy McConnin 252 312 7322